Drink La Vie welcomes new Organic Ingredients!

Drink La Vie welcomes new Organic Ingredients!

We're excited to announce that starting July 2016, even more of our ingredients will now be certified organic! The raw almonds and cold-pressed apple juice that we use in many of our drinks now come from CCOF farms (California Certified Organic Farmers) within California.


Hidden Star Orchards - Apple Juice

This family farm is located in the rolling foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains just below the town of Jackson. Hidden Star Orchards has been CCOF certified since 2005. They are best known for their specialty niche of freshly pressed apple ciders which is why we are so excited to have them cold pressing our apple juice. They are also committed to a "zero waste" ideal which we especially like because this enables us to purchase our apple juice in one large container, rather than many smaller ones, thus reducing the amount of packaging that goes into recycling. Learn more...

Inzana Ranch - Nuts & Produce

Inzana Ranch and Produce is a 190 acre organic farm located four miles southeast of Hughson, California. They're in ‘Tree Nut Country’ on the east side of the northern San Joaquin Valley in Stanislaus County. The ranch has been completely converted to solar and geothermal energy sources for its power since 2006. Their crop consists of primarily nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, chestnuts, and filberts. They also grow many varieties of stonefruits, including cherries, nectarines, peaches, apricots, pluots, plumcots, apriums, plums and prunes. In addition to 20+ varieties of apples, pears, olives, and all kinds of citrus. All of the ranch produce is organic and certified by CCOF. In addition, we are lucky enough to pick up our almonds weekly at our local farmers market further reducing our carbon footprint.  Learn more...
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